
transjen der

🛳 ~~

we keep it silly :3

i rendered a mandelbrot

Ive made a mandelbort set zoom bit of software here, here and here.




This is what a minimum length nozzle designed for roughly Mach 2.4 and a ratio of specific heats of 1.667 would look like

reading list

why apollo works


destin from smarter every day said to read it and it sounds interesting

this is direct from the NASA ntrs

mig 29 flight manual

nicer to look at, fewer pages

part 1 part 2

flight manuals for a fighter made in the soviet union, flowin by both sides in the russia-ukraine war and brought into NATO thanks to east germany. the documents i have are only 1 of 7 parts of the full books. This is the description and operation section.

retrieved from jasonblair.net on 6/12/2023

this document is from the german government, and was updated 9 days after 9/11

ugly with more info

I think this is the full document, its definitely got a lot more pages. I think this is also the post-9/11 revision
